
Thank You for a new day and another opportunity to study your Word. Help me to remain focused and free from distractions as You show me more of You! Amen.

Scripture Reference:

1 John 1

Today’s Message:

As you read through chapter 1 yesterday, you saw John’s heartbeat for this letter. The high standards of Christianity were beginning to break-down and give way to the teaching of gnosticism’s separation of matter and spirit, resulting in worldliness and compromise.

Christianity’s real danger was not in being destroyed completely but in being changed into a false gospel of humanistic philosophy. Those of the so-called “higher learning” wanted to improve Christianity intellectually.

Gnosticism was the basic philosophy of the Roman Empire and it removed personal accountability for sin… therefore, does one really need a Savior?! This has been the enemy’s goal all along… take away our need for God!

You looked at the word “sin” yesterday.

  1.  Jesus cleanses us from sin (1:7)
  2. We all have sinned (1:8, 10)
  3. We must confess our sins (1:9)
  4. Jesus will forgive us (1:9)

Keep a running list of what you learn about each of the key words you study. You can add to these lists as we go through this study.

You also looked at the word “fellowship”.

  1.  By espousing the message John saw and heard, we have fellowship with each other. Therefore, this message is the foundation of our fellowship. (1:3)
  2. Our fellowship is with the Father and the Son as well as with each other. (1:3)
  3. We must walk in God’s light in order to remain in this fellowship. (1:6-7)

Also we looked at the facts about John in this chapter.

  1. He was an eye-witness of the Word of Life (Jesus). (1:1-3) He heard, saw, and touched Jesus.
  2. He truly loved the Church and wrote this message to complete his joy. (1:4)
  3. This message came from Jesus and he announced it to all. (1:5)
  4.  He included himself as a sinner in need of cleansing, just like everybody else. (1:8-10)

Concerning the recipients:

  1. The truth concerning eternal life was proclaimed to them. (1:2)
  2.  Fellowship with God and other believers is available to them also. (1:3)
  3. They too were sinners. (1:8)


As we go through this journey in I John, remember that the Word of God is clear. The message of eternal life is not hidden. You can KNOW that you have eternal life! This letter gives a clear revelation of what that looks like! Are you secure in your salvation? And, is it evident to you and to others?

Your Turn:

  1. Make a list of the contrasts in this chapter. (A contrast is a comparison of two opposites)
  2. If you have access to a concordance and dictionary, look up the definitions of sin and fellowship.
  3. When you are in fellowship with God, how does it affect your relationships with others?
  4. According to chapter 1, how do you provide the opportunity for others to join this fellowship?

Closing Prayer:

Thank you Lord Jesus for fellowship with You and with other believers. Help me to be bold in inviting others to join our fellowship. Amen.
What is God showing you through this study? We’d love to know. Leave us a comment below.
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